E-mail Alumni Locator Form

Do you know where other Alumni are located? Please tell us and we will contact them about the DELEHANTY ALUMNI SITE. We are trying to locate as many Alumni as possible so please put on your thinking caps and look through those old phone books. Any assistance in this area will be greatly appreciated, not only by the committee, but by your fellow classmates as well. You can either fill in the form below or just send an e-mail to justud@optonline.net

If you would like to register as a member of the Alumni Site please make sure to use the Registration Form

***Since changing the forms to be "AOL Friendly", mail now goes through the Web Site and is forwarded to me. Because of this I cannot tell who actually sent the message (it comes from the webmaster). In case there are any questions, please make sure to complete the "Submitted By" boxes at the end of the form. Many Thanks :) ***

Alumni Information
Name at Graduation Yr Graduated
Married Name
Alumni Address
City State Zip Code
E-Mail Address
Home Phone
Submitted By E-Mail
Once you have completed the form, click on the Submit button once, and you should return to the main menu page. If you have trouble using the form please submit the information by regular E-Mail.